How to Download Your Hinge Data

This is a guide on how you can get your hinge data and upload it to this application to find the trends in your data!

1. Look for this settings icon in your Hinge application

2. In the settings menu

In the settings menu, look for the tab that says "Download My Data". Click it and it should take you to the screen you see in the next image.

3. Submitting your request for your data

  • Select your country of your residence
  • Then select your state of residence.
  • Click the button saying "Download My Data". This will submit a request to hinge to gather your data together from their servers.
  • After submitting your request to download your data. You will get the following email confirming that your request has been submitted:

    4. Retriving your data from Hinge

    48 hours later, you should receive another email saying that your data is ready to be downloaded. The email should look like the following image:

    When you open the hinge app, you should see a new badge on the "Download my data" button in the settings app of Hinge. Click the button.

    Once you click the button you should see the following screen:

    Once you click "Download", it will download a zip file to your mobile device that you can upload to this website to find trends in your Hinge data.